Grants available to bring local communities together

Oxford City Council is urging community-focused individuals and groups to apply for grants of up to £5000 in the latest round of its Community Impact Fund.
This might be a group wanting to hold a special event to bring the community together (subject to the latest Covid regulations) or to run activities aimed at people with particular needs. Smaller grants of up to £1,000 are also open to individuals who want to make a difference.
There will be three funding rounds for Small and Medium Grants this year. The first round launches on 28 January and the deadline for applications will be 6 March, with grants awarded in time to fund Easter activities.
Bids must demonstrate how they share common objectives with the Council: support thriving communities; pursue a zero carbon Oxford; enable an inclusive economy and deliver more, affordable housing (helping those at risk of homelessness and in unsuitable housing).
More information is available on Oxford City Council’s grants web pages. People can also email for additional help and advice.
Online briefing sessions
The Council’s Grants team will be holding online briefing sessions on the following dates:
• Tuesday 17 February 12 – 1pm
Each briefing session follows the same format; introducing the grant, going through the application form and the opportunity to ask questions.
Councillor Shaista Aziz, Oxford City Council’s Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities, said:
“The Council wants to support people and communities during these very challenging times and encourage individuals and groups to turn their ideas for community focused work and projects into reality.
“The Community Impact Fund is also about building connections and networks that enable people and communities to come together, learn from each other and work together.”
Notes to Editor
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Phone: 01865 252096
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About us
Oxford City Council is the democratically-elected local authority for Oxford.
In partnership with others, we provide a wide range of services – including planning, housing, community centres, parks and waste collection – for approximately 152,000 residents, 106,000 people who work in Oxford and the millions of people who visit our world-famous city every year.
We have set four key priorities, all of equal importance and all interconnected:
• to enable an inclusive economy, where everyone has access to sustainable business and employment opportunities
• to deliver more affordable housing, including a new generation of council homes to help meet our acute housing shortage
• to support thriving communities, reducing the stark inequality between our city’s richest and poorest residents
• to tackle the climate emergency by pursuing a zero-carbon Oxford
Our vision is to build a world-class city for everyone.
Oxfordshire has a two-tier system of local government, which means services are provided by two different councils. Oxford City Council provides local services for the city, while Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for strategic, countywide services such as roads, schools and social care.